Taking control, when you’re told it’s over.

So this was me 3 years ago, a few days following a bone marrow transplant.

A year later I had relapsed and was given 2 months to live.

With the help and support from amazing family and friends, I decided to make changes to a life that had put me in that hospital room and I’m now sat surrounded by my gorgeous wife and kids, enjoying a life I only dreamt about back then, and loving my work at Beyond-Consulting.

Whatever challenge you’re facing, there are always solutions and options when you look for them and when you let people help you.

I’m no business guru and I’m definately not a “life coach”, but I can tell you that the moment you decide to take control of a situation, surround yourself with a motivated & talented team and take a positive approach, your chances of succeeding increase by the bucket load.

…and remember, love and positive relationships & interactions conquer all.

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